Isnt this cute too! OMG GO LOOK AT THE WEBSITE AND I PROMISE YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE. These remind me of the ones at victoria secret but for a cheeper price and much better quality :)

- Keep hot showers short and sweet. Steaming hot water can really dry out your skin, so convince yourself to enjoy a slightly lukewarm temperature and buy yourself an extra 2 or 3 minutes of blissful bathing.
- Pesky dry elbows? Take a lemon, cut it in half, and lay each half face up on a flat surface. Then, sink your elbows into them. After about 20 seconds, your dry skin will disappear. Added bonus - the subtle citrus fresh scent lingers.
- Be patient. Pat your moisturizer into your skin instead of rubbing it on (better absorption, less tugging on the skin) and give it a good minute to soak into the skin before you move onto the next step of your make up routine.
- Make a difference. Sleeveless season is upon us, so opt for a body wash that will make an actual difference in the way you skin looks - like Dove® Visible Care™ Body Wash. This way, beautiful skin becomes part of your daily shower routine - simple and efficient, two of my favorite words when it comes to beauty.